Michela Ruggeri presents the starting of the project by Rhizome that retraces net art since its early times while contributing...
Michela Ruggeri presents the starting of the project by Rhizome that retraces net art since its early times while contributing...
A journey into the kaleidoscopic landscape portrayed by the works presented by the 11 curators invited at the Quadriennale in...
ADA. Archive of Digital Art, online platform and tool of excellence for the preservation and fostering of digital art.
Digital Applications realized by musicians as a sound and visual extension into the liquid space, towards an hybridisation of languages.
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), and the Theatre of Shadows complicit of duo Lily & Honglei for experimenting...
Technology and its potential when fostering the cultural heritage here recounted with a project that, throughout a virtual reconstruction, immerse...
The «word» throughout languages and techniques as expressed in the works by Adami, Battisti and Polidori, now on show at...
The multidisciplinary and transmedial research supported by the London based gallery Arebyte, open to experimentation between art and science.
Arshake is a collaborative artistic project, blurring the borders between art, science and technology, information and production.
© 2024 – ARSHAKE