Lorna Mills, reknown for her visionary, animated GIFs, a genre that has become increasingly popular, was invited by Mary Meixner to present her GIF/screensaver at Screensaver Gallery, a dedicated online venue conceived by Barbora Trnková & Tomáš Javůrek. The authors are artists who are mostly active in the digital scenario. The Screensaver Gallery can be downloaded from the screensaver.metazoa.org website and installed onto your computer. They will be available in App stores soon. The Screensaver Gallery is part of an experimental programme for the development of these forms of creativity. As far as its destination is concerned, the idea is to expand it to public areas, festivals and academic contests so that the gallery can develop into social responsibility in an attempt to aid a positive transformation of our cultural revolution. Digital art has, in fact, become a part of creative custom and is both object and subject of new aesthetics formulation that is increasingly compounded. Lorna Mills GIFs have already made their way onto the market as well. Her work was in fact featured by the Transfer Gallery at New York’s as part of the Moving Image Art Fair. Animated Gif can be viewed in fact as one of the possible evolutions of photography.
Lorna Mills is Canadian digital artist publicly exhibiting her work in solo and group shows all over the world since the early 1990s. In addition to her own work, she has recently curated several animated GIF screenings including “Clusterfuck Zoo” at Transfer Gallery in Brooklyn & Hallwalls in Buffalo as well as an animated GIF Collection for “David Bowie is” at the Art gallery of Ontario. She is currently curating a remake of John Berger’s 1972 documentary series “Ways of Seeing”, retitled “Ways of Something” consisting of one minute slices by 113 artists.
Lorna Mills is most famous for her photo-based GIF work and its installations in physical space. Her GIFs often revolves around the themes of sexuality and violence yet reveal something uncanny and absurd whilst amazingly pure and aesthetically perfectly balanced. To quote her in one of her interviews, “It may be deceptive at first, but I am ravingly formal and very precise with all my compositions.”
The contradictory touch of the skin, very dense and in its innocence full of violence and repressed sexuality, has became a theme for our curatorial selection of several already existent GIF animations as screen saver. Ever repeating and never fulfilled, the physical actions in GIF Saver are supersede as quickly as your attention.