The world is built with data. Its essence is constituted by data. This is how one of the first institutions, led by pioneering artist Peter Weibel, to be completely dedicated to art and technology delineates in a show the contemporary landscape.
Open Codes. en Codes. The World as a Field of Data è la seconda parte di un progetto avviato con Open Codes. Living in Digital Worlds, avvio di una esplorazione di un mondo generato, guidato e contratto da dati. Viviamo in smart environments, la cosiddetta scripted reality dove i dati sono generati dai nostri stessi comportamenti e movimenti catturati da sensori che ci seguono nel quotidiano.
Open Codes. enCodes. The World as a Field of Data is the second part of a project launched alongside Open Codes:Living in Digital Worlds,which begins to explore a world generated, guided and negotiated by data. We live in smart environments, a so-calledscripted reality,where data is generated by our own actions and movements, captured by sensors that follow us in our everyday lives.
The World as a Field of Datastarts from this assumption, presenting new human horizons:a transhumanismbuilt using artificial intelligence.
In addition to this exhibition, Art in Motion: 100 Masterpieces with and through Media, curated byPeter Weibel and theoristSiegfried Zielinski, goes back in time to repropose pioneering works that use technology –from photography andcinema tosound art, the theatre of machines and projections, radiophonic and television art, videoart, media based actions,Fluxus activities and other artistic collaborations from the last decades.
Over the last few years the return to both the analog and the technological has proven to be increasingly important in understanding the present, the acceleration of the industrial world, rooted in electricity wires for every given product and ‘stored’ in ‘the cloud’, which despite its atmospheric dimension nevertheless still depends on cables and physical archives to be found in limited locations all over the world.
«Open Codes. en Codes. The World as a Field of Data», 29.09.2018 – 06.01.2019
«Art in Motion. 100 Masterpieces with and through Media», 14.07.2018 – 10.02.2019
The ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe
images: (cover 1) «Art in motion», 2018, exhibition view, The ZKM | Center for Art and Media (2) Adam Slowik, Christian Lölkes, Peter Weibel, «Alphabet Space», 2017 (3) Andreas Müller-Pohle, «Blind Genes», 2002, Courtesy of Bettina and Thomas Hebell (4) «Art in motion», 2018, exhibition view, The ZKM | Center for Art and Media (5) Claude Shannon, «Ultimate Machine», at «Art in motion», 2018, exhibition view, The ZKM | Center for Art and Media