Arte-19 – Virus Virtual Reality (VVR) Game investigates the connection between art and technology, between traditional and innovative languages, between distance and union, between the real and the virtual, between virus and antidote, between live performance and new media art. This is a new form of hybrid communication. A project that looks for new approaches to online life, able to integrate traditional and non-traditional media.
This is how performances, net art, interactive drawings, workshop for virtual scenography and talks are embedded in a container that takes the form of a game. This is the plot: a virus is spreading rapidly across the globe. People are confined to their homes to stop the pandemic. Studies have shown that the virus has developed in theatres, cinemas, concert halls and exhibition spaces. A group of Hackers, known as Fuso-Society, decides to build a pirate platform to allow artists the opportunity to continue expressing themselves.
Participation is subject to “enrolment” on
After going through the steps outlined by Fuso-Society for those who decide to take part in VVR, the public have access to the “virtual neighbourhood” where, from 26 to 30 November, theatre, new media art, video mapping and interactive drawing performances will take place. The public will also be able to participate in scheduled workshops.
After having “enrolled”, players can walk inside a “virtual neighbourhood” where they can not only attend the planned live performances of theatre, new media art, video mapping and interactive drawing, but also take part in the following scheduled workshops:
Saturday 28th November – 5pm. Workshop: Virtual set designs Sunday
29th November – 5pm. Workshop for children: Educational Technologies
Monday 30 November – 6:30pm. Lectures – Panel: Art and Technology
The festival will take place online from 26 to 30 November in the streets of Centocelle, more specifically in the area of Piazza dei Mirti, which has been completely recreated through virtual reality.
This virtual reality will be accessible from 26 November, on the following websites: