CC&C / Chaos Complexity and Creativity is a generative audiovisual installation conceived and created by Umanesimo Artificiale that intends to celebrate the theory of chaos and complexity, archetypes of the contemporary post-internet era characterized by complex multi-agent systems. An algorithmic artificial brain powered by internal feedbacks in correlation between them and external inputs deriving from the environment in which it is immersed.
Neon sigh by Aspect Ratio (installation sound design) is the resulting track of the sound design conceived for the multimedia installation “CC&C / Chaos Complexity & Creativity” by Umanesimo Artificiale. The composition comes from the need of making sounds interact with eight couples of neon lights, which constitute the basic structure of the installation and the conceptual pillars of the project. The track is an example of generative music whose fuel is Aspect Ratio’s chaotic decisional process and its engine the self-execution of random MIDI functions. The track is composed of eight parts, each of which is assigned to a couple of neon lights. The editing of the track was made live by means of a launch pad linked to a DAW. What makes the composition homogeneous and chaotic at the same time is the abyss opened onto the composer’s unconscious. You can find here the Videoclip Neon sigh, full track. (from the press release)
CC&C / Chaos, Complexity and Creativity by Umanesimo Artificiale
Presented at San Leonardo’s Ex Church, Fano, Italy on February 9, 2020 and on February 15, 2020
Concept & Art Direction: Filippo Rosati ! Software & hardware programming: Massimiliano Camillucci Structure construction: Gianluca Mayor Brightlab | Sound design: Aspect Ratio, Video: Mattia Barbotti for Nanometri Collective