FRAME captures Mondi Sommersi (Submerged Worlds), a project born from the collaboration between artist Alessandro Lupi and scientist Filippo Castelli, conceived as an ecosystem that took shape from the immersion of an anti-vegetative painting in a marine environment destined to continuously evolve and change. Visitors have been able to observe it since the work was transferred to an aquarium. The external viewpoint does not really let them see the dynamics that build the complexity of its life inside.
Alessandro Lupi, Mondi Sommersi, 2022, image via
The project, curated by CNR – Istituto per lo studio degli Impatti Antropici e la Sostenibilità in ambiente marino (Institute for the Study of Anthropic Impacts and Sustainability in the Marine Environment) with the support of Sinko mec Kolor, was the result of a collaboration with Filippo Castelli, a researcher in biofouling at CNR. The installation was presented at the Genova Blue District between October and November 2022.