Arshake is delighted to announce Critical Grounds #12, this time a polyphonic volume dedicated to the versatile and polymath figure of Filiberto Menna (Salerno, 11 November 1926 – Rome, 9 February 1989), an art historian, theorist, activist critic, university lecturer, exhibition curator and politically committed cultural operator. Thirty years after his death, his vision and perspective are still very much alive. The editors of the volume, Antonello Tolve and Nicolas Martino, who are also active in the School’s continuation, present the volume as “emerging from the desire to remember Filiberto Menna thirty years after his untimely death and keep alive his reasoning, his lucidity and his inexhaustible teaching that continue to stimulate young and old minds”.
His curatorial vision is carried on by the Fondazione Menna – Contemporary Art Study Centre, founded in 1989 to ‘promote initiatives and projects aimed at spreading and deepening knowledge of contemporary art’, with a venue in Rome which has been active for some years. The Foundation is directed by Bianca Pucciarelli Menna, Filiberto Menna’s artistic and life partner, a central figure if the memory of his work is to continue its journey in all its forms and energy.
Critical Gounds #12 – download PDF (IT)
«Critical Grounds», the Arshake’s publishing project directed by Antonello Tolve and Stefania Zuliani, is born from the desire to network precious and of great cultural interest books in open source electronic format. It is, in fact, a shelf which, together with the re-release of untraceable or forgotten essays, spreads rumors of the international critical scene to offer a wide-ranging look at the culturological contemporary landscape. Alongside this program “Critical Grounds” also proposes artist books, new authors and new voices of fiction to share with its authors and its readers a wide choice of assumptions, guidelines, designs on the creative area of the near future.