Deadline: September 4th, 2017
Notification to the authors: November, 2017
When: January – February, 2017
Where: Madrid, Spain
It is left open without restrictions a call to select, by means of a criteria in which will be valued particularly the experimentation, the innovation and the risk, the creations of all those audio-visual and video artists who wish to participate and that their works are part of MADATAC/TRANSMADATAC project.
This project is dedicated to exhibit and promote Video Art and Audio Visual-Art in all its modalities, any processes of image-sound interaction, without exclusion of installations, performances and new media art works, with the aim to disclose to the great public a view of the consolidated artists as well to offer a platform for all those emergent New Media Art artists with a future projection who contribute with renewing proposals, avoid conventional visual language and does not find their place in other art and mass media spaces.