The University «La Sapienza» in Rome is holding the ninth edition of the International Arts and Society Conference, an event which has been held in a different international city every year since 2006, the last of which was Budapest. The conference will address a variety of issues dealing with art and society in this age of technology through encounters with professions from all over the world. The emergence of new digital aesthetics, the application of the arts as well as of digital means for educational purposes, the various facets of the intersection between art and society, archive-related issues and the creation of new types of audiences are some of the themes to be discussed. Registration for the 2015 edition at London’s Imperial College is already open. Next year’s event will focus specifically on The Work of Art in the Age of Networked Society.
The International Conference on the Arts in Society (The Arts Conference), its associated journals, and the Arts in Society Book Series, and News Blog, create forums for discussion and publication of innovative theories, practices and critical commentaries in the arts. With greater intensity in recent years, crucial public discussions have pivoted around the antinomies of public-private, government-market, citizen-consumer, collective-individual. Creative acts of engagement are called for that respond to the imperatives of our times. ‘Zones of free expression’ become an ever more pressing requirement in present-day contexts of social transformation.
The Arts Conference, journals, book imprint and news blog aim to create spaces for open dialogue and exchange in all aspects of the arts. The aim of these dialogues is not only to create a reflective knowledge community, but also an actively engaged one – moving works from the studio to public discourse, inspiring creativity from the public stage and exhibition space to the policy chambers – as well as providing a forum for reflexive thinking about the role of the arts in society.
«The Lives of Art», The International Conference on the Arts in Society (The Arts Conference), Università La Sapienza, 25 – 27 giugno, Roma (sono aperte le open call per la prossima conferenza che avrà luogo a Londra presso l’Imperial College, London («The Work of Art in the Age of Networked Society», 22-24 luglio 2015)