FRAME captures City of Dust, a project by Studio L A, in collaboration with Baukje Trenning, realised for the 17th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia. Visitors are forced to cross the Terrazzo floor installation in order to enter the next space on their route. But if one is not careful enough, each step has a potential to slowly break away the city. The city of Venice, emptied by tourists from the pandemic is now open to rethink to its future, as well as the global one.
Studio L A, in collaboration with Baukje Trenning,City to Dust, image via
Design team: Lorien Beijaert, Arna Mačkić, Baukje Trenning | Production terrazzo floor: Tomaello BV Terrazzo & Concrete, the Netherlands | Photo: Marco Cappelletti | Build-up: Luigi D’Oro Studio & Alberto Corba.