FRAME captures FORMATA non-terrestrial, lively, kinetic and autonomous agents in a waterless, alien mini-planet, part of the Proto-Alien Project, a multidisciplinary laboratory at the intersection between astrology, chemistry, and media art, that investigate the adaptability of matter in extra-terrestrial environments. Their soft bodies are composed of organic substances similar to those found in meteorites and comets. These soft bodies have a great ability to deform and to self-divide. Softness, adaptability to a loss of equilibrium seem to be fundamental components to adapt to alien environments. We have a lot to reflect on this also in relation to our changing planet.
Proto-Alien Project, FORMATA, 2020 – ongoing investigation
Proto-Alien Project (team) – Juan M. Castro, Akihiro Kubota and Taro Toyota.
In collaboration with – The Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS); Department of Information Design, Tama Art University; and The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo.