An open call, IV edition Award for Experimental New Media Art, conceived and supported by ELECTRONIC & EXPERIMENTAL ART ASSOCIATION, rewards innovative works in the field of new media, selected from an international pool, and presents them in a dedicated exhibition within Urvanity, New Contemporary Art Fair, 21-25 February 2018.
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The Trained Particles Circus by Patxi Araujo (Spain) offers a meeting place between the real and the virtual, a landscape populated by augmented hybrid figures that lie somewhere between beast and machine.
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The Living Language Project by Ori Elisar (Israel), broaches the (increasingly invisible) line between culture and nature through bio-linguistics and the suggestion of the evolution of the Hebrew alphabet over the span of 2,000 years, once considered a dead language, in the life of the bacterium Paenibacillus, which is used to recreate the alphabet.
Exploring extreme Surfaces and Terrains by Chiara Passa (Italy) explores the various dimensions of space via the use of video sculptures in virtual reality, oscillating between physical and liquid space.
A Gallery Situation by Caz Egelie (Holland) uses the waste material of 3D shapes to suggest new ways of visiting the space of a gallery, through appearances of fictional spaces where some of the works and the museum itself can be rediscovered. Space is at the center of the show as well as of the single works, a lens through which the big changes in our times can be observed. Each and every piece analyses it from a different perspective.
IV edition Award for Experimental New Media Art
Urvanity Art Fair at COAM, Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos di Madrid, 21 – 25.02.2018
images: (cover – 1) Ori Elisar, «The Living Language Project», 2016 (2) Patxi Araujo,«The Trained Particles Circus», 2017 (3) Chiara Passa, «Exploring extreme Surfaces and Terrains», video sculptures, 2015 (4) Caz Egelie, «A Gallery Situation», 2017