Southern Methodist University’s Meadows School of the Arts invites applications to the 2016 Pollock Curatorial Fellowship. This paid, ten-month curatorial fellowship begins March 1, 2016, and includes a stipend of 25,000 USD plus benefits.
The Curatorial Fellowship provides recent graduates in the field with important professional experience. Fellows will manage all elements of exhibitions in the Pollock Gallery including installation, marketing and public relations, managing budgets and student workers. The Pollock Gallery’s annual season includes two student shows and three exhibitions programmed by the fellow in consultation with the Division of Art chair.
Candidates for this position must have a Master’s degree in Curatorial Studies, Art History or related field with an emphasis on contemporary art.
The Pollock Gallery plays a significant role in an active academic ecology, extending the experiences of the studio classroom with thoughtful and creative considerations of present and past art forms. It is a vehicle to study a wide array of art practices, providing the Division of Art with an arena for experimental considerations of the space where curatorial and studio practice meet.
This position is open until filled.
To apply
Submit applications materials by January 15, 2016 to Noah Simblist, Chair and Associate Professor of Division of Art, nsimblis@smu.edu.
Application materials to be submitted in one PDF file:
–Letter of interest: 1,000 word statement of purpose that outlines past curatorial and publishing experience. Please include interest and/or experience in marketing and public programming.
–One sample of published writing
–Documentation of past exhibitions and research (catalogs, reviews, etc.)
Three reference letters must be sent by recommenders to nsimblis@smu.edu by January 15, 2016.
For further information, please contact Noah Simblist, Chair and Associate Professor of Art, at nsimblis@smu.edu.
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