Who is the real figure of entrepreneur that the artwolrd needs?
Andrea Concas, answers to this question by highlighting how important is to have a trasversal mind and approach when working in the arts. Communication and dissemination are also fundamental aspects in order to redirect consciusness towards the right direction, mostly when dealing with experimental disciplinary fields. His contribution is the fourth appointment of GAME OVER Loading (you can check further below the previous contributions).
Andrea Concas discusses art and innovation as an art entrepreneur, lecturer and public speaker all over the world. Concas is founder and CEO of the art startup Art Backers from the Art Rights platform for the management and certification of art works, and of ArtBackers.Agency, a Cultural Marketing and Communication agency dedicated to the world of Art 3.0. He established The AB Gallery and founded ProfessioneARTE.it,the first online community for the formation, training and eventual positioning of professionals in the art world. Concas created the first “Libro ChatBOT” in this sector with the series “100 Domande 150 Risposte” (100 Questions 150 Answers), published by Mondadori Electa which, thanks to ArteConcasBOT, answers questions about artists, their lives, their works and the art market. In March 2021, the third ChatBOT book “Frida Kahlo” will be published. He has written ProfessioneARTE – I protagonisti, le opportunità di investimento, le nuove sfide digitali, (ProfessioneARTE – Protagonists, investment opportunities, new digital challenges), the first guide aimed at those who want to make a profession of art. In May 2020, Concas published “L’Arte Post Coronavirus. Strategie digitali per i professionisti dell’Arte” (The Post Coronavirus Art. Digital Strategies for Art Professionals) in eBook format, published by Edizioni Piemme, where he reveals the best digital strategies for restarting after the pandemic, aimed at gallery owners, museums, artists, collectors, curators, auction houses and Art and Culture professionals. With his videos and social channels he constantly promotes and supports art.
Art Rights is innovating, digitising and automating the process of artwork authentication typical of Artist Archives, also offering this opportunity to Artists, Galleries, Curators, Museums and Professionals to promote authenticity and historical tracking.”Behind every startup there is a vision, ours was to support art, artists and professionals in their daily journey with the help of new technologies. Today we are experiencing a real digital gold rush, a new Era for the Art world, looking for online tools and opportunities to cope with lost physicality”. (ANDREA CONCAS, Founder Art Rights)
Andrea’s Concas’s intervention is part of Loading, the preliminary phase of GAME OVER, a project aimed at researching and studying new “cultural entities”, people, objects or research from different disciplines (physics, bio-robotics, AI, agriculture and medicine) and transporting them into the art world. This is a research project, but also a gesture that goes beyond simple interdisciplinary dialogue, becoming quite radical: a real “transplanting” of research areas aimed at preparing future c(o)ulture, where “creativity” equals “invention” and “invention” equals contributing to a transformation. A spark, a sign of a genetic mutation, a change of direction, a short circuit. A different energy that is also marks a change which is taking place and could constitute new lifeblood for the Culture system. This first phase is an investigative one aimed at visionaries, hybrid thinkers from various fields, including those from the cultural sector, who can express their views on current needs, each in relation to their own disciplinary field while generally respecting culture and society at large. Project team: Anita Calà Founder and Artistic Director of VILLAM | Elena Giulia Rossi, Editorial Director of Arshake | Giulia Pilieci: VILLAM Project Assistant and Press Office; Chiara Bertini: Curator, Coordinator of cultural projects and collaborator of GAME OVER – Future C(o)ulture | Valeria Coratella Project Assistant of GAME OVER – Future C(o)ulture. Previous interviews and interventions: Primavera De Filippi (Arshake, January 21, 2021); Interview to Leonardo Jaumann by Azzurra Immediato (Arshake, 28.01.2021), Interview to Valentino Catricalà by Anita Calà and Elena Giulia Rossi (Arshake, 04.02.2021); multiple interview Stefano Cagol to Antonio Lampis, Sarah Rigotti, Tobias Rehberger, Michele Lanzinger, Stefano Cagol (Arshake, 11.02.2021)