“TG1 TG2 che confusione/ TG1 TG2 what a mess
Ma almeno rimane il pregio dell’informazione / But at least the value of information remains
E tra una smentita e l’altra e un sorriso ministeriale / And between one denial and another and a ministerial smile
Ci fa capire che le cose non vanno poi / we come to realise that things aren’t going
Troppo male / so badly”
(from the song by Antonello Venditti – Il Telegiornale, 1978)
“[…] everything in the world is on the increase all the time. The population grows but so do the number of cars. Hunger is on the rise but available supplies are also increasing.
There is also an increase in the amount of uncertainty.But above all, there is more and more data, more and more information.
We are faced with a contradiction which cannot be solved by our imagination: the contradiction between an accumulation of an incredible amount of data and the inability – or impossibility? – of exploiting it.”
Ryszard Kapuściński – Lapidarium, 1994.
There is no shortage of news today, quite the opposite. There is a lot of news, one item after another. And we all know the news. What about information? Do we really know it all?
The flow of information is relentless, with news items streaming one after the other whether it is about politics, news reports, war or sport. Because the images in the news reports help stories to be enjoyed as if they were comprehensive, complete with all their elements and information. Yet these stories cannot be complete, due to the lack of time and the form of transmission.
What knowledge can I get from the information coming from the screen? Beyond the screen, is there any real transparency?
(Angelo Di Bello)
Angelo Di Bello (Taranto, 1976). After a long experience in research theatre, in the mid-2010s, he moved to Rome to attend the Academy of Fine Arts. Since then, his research has been oscillating in between, information, politics, and literature.
Here below, the archive of all the videos that were published on Arshake’s banner between December and March 2020