[youtube id=”cIT9Cr_Dn8o” width=”620″ height=”360″]
H3333333K is the work of public art realized by collective Mediengruppe Bitnik. The work was commissioned by House of Electronic Arts (HeK) based in Basel. The result was to transform a glitch found in a shot of the institution’s facade into an architectural element to install on the same facade. «We took a photo of the building from the square, 200 meters away. – They explain in a recent interview for Hopes & Fears. «Then we started to manipulate this feature. We wrote a small piece of software that would just move lines inside the image. You get these codec errors, it’s very common. Like when you upload an image and there are some bytes missing». Thus, the error, the chance, the temporality, all attributes to the digital realm, become here durable, tangible structures.